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Welcome to CS Handbook


During the past 3 years of my Python experience, I came to realize that if you have mastered any subject and somehow loose practice over some time, you have to revisit your favourite learning resources to keep up with the world.

But, Almost all learning sources are made with keeping in mind that it will be browsed by a very beginner. So, without any choice you have to read through all the theory part as well to understand the concept.

Enters CS Handbook into the picture. Here we have skipped all the extra reading text and presented only the essential components with direct brief information/description and demo examples. So, you can pace your understanding and come back any time to refresh a specific topic or just a single liner.

About the Author

I am Abhishek Pathak, a python enthusiast with Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science. I'm currently employed in Samsung Research Institute as a Software Engineer for more than a year. I love teaching and making content easily understandable to others by converting it into a storyline with my creativity. More about me