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Dunder Methods

Dunder                                           Description
__new__(self) return a new object (an instance of that class). It is called before init method. Know More
__init__(self) is called when the object is initialized. It is the constructor of a class.
__del__(self) for del() function. Called when the object is to be destroyed. Can be used to commit unsaved data or close connections.
__repr__(self) for repr() function. It returns a string to print the object. Intended for developers to debug. Must be implemented in any class.
__str__(self) for str() function. Return a string to print the object. Intended for users to see a pretty and useful output. If not implemented, repr will be used as a fallback.
__bytes__(self) for bytes() function. Return a byte object which is the byte string representation of the object.
__format__(self) for format() function. Evaluate formatted string literals like % for percentage format and ‘b’ for binary.
__lt__(self, anotherObj) for < operator.
__le__(self, anotherObj) for <= operator.
__eq__(self, anotherObj) for == operator.
__ne__(self, anotherObj) for != operator.
__gt__(self, anotherObj) for > operator.
__ge__(self, anotherObj) for >= operator.
__hash__(self) for hash(obj), it should return an integer. obj1 == obj2 should mean hash(obj1) == hash(obj2)
__bool__(self) for bool(obj), if not defined, then __len__ is called and obj is defined as true if __len__ returns non 0


Dunder                                           Description
__add__(self, y)
__sub__(self, y)
__mul__(self, y)
for +, -, * operation on object.
__and__(self, y)
__or__(self, y)
__xor__(self, y)
obj & y
obj | y
obj ^ y
negation of object
__matmul__(self, y) for @ operator (numpy matrix multiplication).
__truediv__(self, y) for simple / division operation on object.
__floordiv__(self, y) for // floor division operation on object.
__mod__(self, y) obj % anotherobj
__pow__(self, y) obj ** y
__lshift__(self, y) obj << y
__abs__(self) make support for abs() function. Return absolute value.
__round__(self, nDigits) for round() function. Round off float type to 2 digits and return it.
support for int(), float() and complex() methods on object
__trunc__(self) for trunc() function of math module. Returns the real value of the object.
for ceil() and floor() function on object.

Containor type

Dunder                                           Description
__len__(self) for len() function. Returns the total number in any container.
__getitem__(self, key) to support indexing. LIke container[index] calls container.__getitem(key)explicitly.
__setitem__(self, key, value) makes item mutable (items can be changed by index), like container[index] = otherElement.
__delitem__(self, key) for del() function. Delete the value at the index key.
__iter__(self) returns an iterator when required that iterates all values in the container.
__dir__(self) A sequence must be returned
__contains__(self, x) Should returns the output of x in obj
class Account:
    # def __new__(self):
    #     print("__new__ called A new account is Created.")
    def __init__(self, name, balance = 0): = name
        self._balance = balance
        print("(__init__) Account Created with {} balance".format(self._balance))
    def getBalance(self):
        return self._balance
    def __repr__(self):
        return "(__repr__) Account({0}, {1})".format(, self._balance)
    def __str__(self):
        return "(__str__) Account Name = {0}, Account Balance = {1}".format(, self._balance)
    def __lt__(self, otherObj):
            return self._balance<otherObj.getBalance()
            return "Cannot Be compared."
    def __del__(self):
        self._balance = 0
        print("(__del__) Account Deleted")

digvijay_ac = Account("Digvijay Singh", 500)
saket_ac = Account("Digvijay Singh", 700)



(__init__) Account Created with 500 balance
(__init__) Account Created with 700 balance
(__str__) Account Name = Digvijay Singh, Account Balance = 500
(__repr__) Account(Digvijay Singh, 500)
(__del__) Account Deleted
(__del__) Account Deleted