• Markdown can be considered as the simplified version of HTML and CSS.
  • It is mainly used in the documentation websites.
  • You may have seen the github repository's description below the files and folder inside the project directory, that comes from a file names as README.md (md is file extension for markdown)
  • markdown supports inline html and css tags, i.e. you can write any amount of html code within a markdown file.

Tag                                                     Output

# Heading_1
## Heading_2
### Heading_3
Heading or title level; more the hashes, smaller the size of text after it. Just like <h1>, <h2> or <h3>tags in HTML




--- Three dashes means a horizontal line, alternate of <hr> tag in HTML
Text Formatting:

1. **bold_text**
2. _Italic_text_
3. **_Bold_and_italic_text_**
4. ~~Stiked_through_Text~~
1. Bold_text
2. Italic_text
3. Bold_and_italic_text
4. Striked_through_text

1. List_1
    1. Sub_list 1.1
        1. Sub_list 1.1.1
    2. sub_list 1.2
2. List_2
3. List_3

- unordered_list_item_1
- unordered_list_item_2
Use tabs or 4 spaces for sublists and following output will show

  1. List_1
    1. Sub_list 1.1
      1. Sub_list 1.1.1
    2. Sub_list 1.2
  2. List_2
  3. List_3

  • unordered_list_item_1
  • unordered_list_item_2
Code and syntax highlighting:


` ` `python
def hello(arg1):
    print("hello world")
` ` `

>Blockquote line 1
>Blockquote line 2
Use tick (`) for code formatting


def hello (arg):
    print("hello world")

Blockquote line 1
Blockquote line 2
Image Links:

1. ![alt text](assetd/imgages/github.png "Logo Title")

2. [alt text][logo]

[logo]: https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png "Google Logo"
- alt text: text which will show in place of image, in case image fails to load
- Title will show when you hover over image

1. alt text

2. alt text
Here [logo]: https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png "Google Logo" is present at end of page
Links Style:

1. Inline-style link:
[text link](https://google.com)

2. Link with title:
[Link with title](google.com "Google")

3. Reference Style: [Reference-style link][1]
[1]: http://slashdot.org
1. Inline-style link:text link

2. Inline-style link with title: text link with title
Title (Google) will show when you hover over link

3. Reference Style: Reference-style link
Here [1]: http://slashdot.org is present at the end of page