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Sorting Techniques

P1: Given an unteger array, find kth largest element, given that you cant use extra memory

  • one way could be findint the largest element in the array and swap it with the last element of the array
  • then reduce the array upto second last elemnt and repeat this above and this step k times
  • at last we would have kth largest element in the remaining array as last element of it.
  • In one operation we are traversing N elements and we are doing this operations k times, So, time complexity => O(kN)
  • and if we perform the same operation N times then we would have sorted array with time complexity => O(N2).
  • this method of sorting is known as Selection Sort.

  • If we traverse following way:

  • we can swap only adjecent elements i.e. if A[i] > A[i+1], A[i] <==> A[i+1]
  • here also we have to perform k operations where each operation is to parse N elements to get kth largest element.
  • And if we continue operations for N-1 times, we would have sorted array at last. and time complexity would be O(N2).
  • This sorting technique is known as Bubble sort Algorithm.
  • Cost wise Selection sort is less costly as there are atmost one swap, whereas there are atmost n-1 swaps in Bubble sort.

P2: During a card game, dealer can distribute only one card at a time, problem is to sort cards which you have continuously as you receive one

  • here you place first card at first position.
  • then as you keep on receiving cards, you find a correct position, move other cards if you have to to make space and then put current card at its correct position.
  • Here in first opration:
  • we have to find a correct place for the element, linear search would be O(N), but here the previous cards would be already sorted so we can use binary search which is of O(logN).
  • once we find the position, we move atmost N cards to the right, taking O(N)
  • So one operation costs o(logN + N) => O(N).
  • And to complete sort we have to perform N operations, thus making total time complexity of order O(N2)
  • THis type of sorting technique is known as Insertion Sort

P3: Given an array where all odds and even elements are sorted, we are required to sort the whole array

3, 9, 2, 4, 25, 10, 19 - we can make two separate arrays, one containing all odd elements and other containing all the even elements. - then using two pointers approach, placing one pointer at start of odd array and other at start of even array, let say i, j - if Odd[i] < Even[j], select Odd[i] and i++, else select Even[j]++. - keep on placing selected elements in a separate array and at last, we will have sorted array - here diving array into two is of O(N, then selecting smaller elements would take O(N), thus total complexity would be O(N+N) => O(N). - this solution is conquer part of the divide and conquer solution approach - Solution where we divide an array into parts, sort them, and then merge is known as Merge Sort. - we keep on dividing the array into two parts > O(logN) and sorting, So, time complexity of merge sort is O(NlogN). - Space complexity would be O(N)

P4: Inversion Count. inversion means there present i, j where i < j and A[i] < A[j], we need to count total number of such inversions in array

4, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3 - here inversion present at indexes: (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 5), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 5), (4, 5) ==> total of 7 inversions