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  • Graph is a very generic/loose term. following other DS can be considered as graph too
  • Trees / Tries
  • Linked list
  • Graph is defined as set of vertices and edges where vertices are entities and edges are relationship among those entities.
  • Simple Graphs with maximum number of edges (no parallel edge) is called clique (K2 : clique of 2 nodes and NC2 edges)

Types of Graphs

  • cyclic / acyclic
  • if you start from a vertex of graph an by some path, you can reach back to that vertex again without re-using any edge, then graph is said to be cyclic. Be careful when dealing with directional graphs
  • connected / disconnected
  • connected means from any vertex, you can reach any other vertex. So, you have to be carefull when dealing with directed graphs.
  • graph with only one connected component
  • directional / undirectional
  • weighted / unweighted

Graph Representation

  • set of vertices, pair of vertices as an edge
  • O(e), where e is number of edges to check if there is an edge between two vertices.
  • O(n + e) space complexity.
  • Adjacency list
  • O(n) to check if there is an edge between two vertices.
  • O(n + e) space complexity.
  • preferred when few edges or sparse graph.
  • Adjacency matrics
  • O(n) to check if there is an edge between two vertices.
  • O(n2) space complexity.
  • preferred when e ~= max no of edges possible.

Trail: Going from Node a to node e like: a - e1 - b - e3 - c - e2 - d - e1 - e
Path: A trail from one node to another without re-using a vertex
Walk: A trail from one node to another without re-using an edge. every path is a walk.
a > b > a > c : this is a walk, but not a path

Graph Traversal

  • BFS
  • DFS