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Two Pointers

P1: Given a sorted array, arr and an integer k, find a pair [i, j] where arr[i] + arr[j] = k

  • Brute force would be two looks and check for every i and j. O(N2).
  • Or, for every we can search for j where A[j] = k - A[i], here searching can be via binary search i.e. O(log(N)) and for N i, total complexity can be O(N.Log(N)).

Two Pointers concept

  • Pointer is just a variable pointing to any index of the array.
  • We only have to consider two problems in pointers approach:
  • Where to place both
  • How to update both
  • This concept mostly works for sorted arrays
  • So in above problem, let's first put both pointers at each end of array
  • A[i] + A[j] == k , return i, j
  • A[i] + A[j] < k, then we only have to push left side (i) pointer to right, because only that will increase sum value
  • A[i] + A[j] > k, then we only have to push right side (j) pointer to left
  • Stopping condition in while loop would be when j <= i, because after this we are just checking with same values again.

P2: Given a sorted array, arr and an integer k, find a pair [i, j] where arr[j] - arr[i] = k

  • Let's first put both pointers at each end of array
  • A[j] - A[i] == k , return i, j
  • A[j] - A[i] < k, but in this case i++ and j-- both will more decrease the diffrence
  • So, we should put i at 0 and j at 1
  • A[j] - A[i] == k , return i, j
  • A[j] - A[i] < k, we can increase j till the length of array
  • A[j] - A[i] > k, we can increase i till the length of array
  • loop will run till j reaches the end of array (j == n)
  • With two pointers solution in both of above problem, solution is reduced to O(N)

P3: Given a sorted array, arr and an integer L, find a triplet [i, j, k] where arr[i] + arr[j] + arr[k] = L - Here the brute force would be simply O(N3) - If we apply concept like two pointers, for every i, find a pair(j, k) such that arr[j] + arr[k] = L - arr[i]. this solution would be O(N).O(N) >> O(N2, which is way better than brute force)

P3: Given a sorted array, arr and an integer M, find a quadruple [i, j, k, l] where arr[i] + arr[j] + arr[k] + arr[l]= M - here also we can apply same conept as, for every i, j find k, l. and it will be of O(N3) - another way could be we can create an array with sum of all possible pair of arr, i.e. for all i, j, B[index] = arr[i] + arr[j], also we can do the same for k and l. So, at last we would have two arrays...................

P3: Given an unsorted array, find a pair i, j such that sum(arr[i:j+1]) == k - Here we can make a prefix sum array, where value at each index i => sum(arr[:i+1]). And we can say that prefix sum array will be sorted, thus two pointer concept can be applied. - prefix sum array changes the problem as to find i, j such that P[j] - P[i] = k. - forming a prefix sum requires O(N), and finding i, j is O(N) using two pointers, SO, whole will be of O(N + N) >> O(N).