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Pandas: The data analysis and manipulation tool


import pandas as pd

na_values = ['NA', 'Missing', 'Null'] # df will consider all these values as NaN
df = pd.read_csv('abc.csv', na_values=na_values)

Pandas methods

Command Description
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10) Show 10 columns in jupyter notebook
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 40) Show 40 rows in jupyter notebook

Pandas property constants

Command Description
df.shape (64, 11)
df.columns list of all columns
df.index returns list of index values
df.dtypes data types of all pandas

Pandas Methods


Method Description data_type, no_of_rows of each column
df.head(10) first 10 rows, 5 if argument is not passed
df.tail(10) last 10 rows, 5 if argument is not passed
df.set_index('10_201909', inplace=False) set a column as index
df.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=False) sort rows by index, descending order
df.reset_index(inplace=True) reset dataframe's index
df.rename(columns={'col1': 'val1', 'col2': 'val2'}, inplace=True) rename only some column names
df.apply(len) returns length of each column, considering columns (Series) as a single entity
df.applymap(len) len will be applied to each value of all columns (all values of df)
df.drop(columns=['col1', 'col2'], index=2, inplace=False) Delete multiple columns, third row
df.drop(index=df['filter'].index) check below for filter
df.append('df2', ignore_index=True, sort=False) No inplace arg here, we have to assign it to df itself
df.sort_values(by=['col_name', 'col_2'], ascending=[False, True]) sort dataframe rows by col_name, first sort by col_name (descending), then by col_2 for common values in col_name (ascending)
df.nlargest(10, 'col_name') returns df with 10 largest values of col_name
df.nsmallest(10, 'col_name') returns df with 10 smallest values of col_name
df.replace('NA', numpy.nan, inplace=True) replace all NA strings in whole df with numpy nan
df.isna() returns boolean df with True for NaN values
df.fillna('other_str') replace all NaN with other_str
df.to_csv('path/modified.csv') export df to a csv file
df.dropna(axis='index', how='any', subset=['email']) drop all rows where email is NaN, if multiple subset then drop rows where both are NaN
df['col_name'].sort_values() return a sorted series
df['col_name'].nlargest(10) highest 10 values of col_name, returns series
df['10_201909'].value_counts() count frequency of all unique values in 10_201909 column
df['age'].astype(float) by default numbers are parsed as strings, and we can convert np.NaN to float but not int so best practice to convert all to float
df['age'].mean() returns mean of age column
df['age'].unique() returns a list of all unique values in the age column
df['age'].replace('text', 0, inplace=True) replace text with 0



Command Description
df['10_201909'] accessing '10_201909'
df[['10_201909', '10_201910', '10_201909']] accessing multiple columns


Command Description
df.iloc[1] accesing second (single) row, index starting from 0
df.iloc[[0, 1, 3, 7]] accessing multiple rows
df.iloc[[2, 5], 1] second column, third and sixth rows
df.iloc[[1, 5], [3, 8]] accessing via multiple rows and column (indexes)
--- ---
df.loc[[0, 1, 3], ['10_201909', '10_201910', '10_201909']] accessing via labels instead of indexes
df.loc[0:21, '10_201909'] 0 to 21 (inclusive row values of 10_201909 column)
df.loc[0:5, '10_201909': '10_201912'] row and column slicing

How to

Expand pandas DataFrame column into multiple rows


days name
0 [1, 3, 5, 7] John
1 [2, 4] Eric


days name
0 1 John
1 3 John
2 5 John
3 7 John
4 2 Eric
5 4 Eric
lens = [len(item) for item in df['days']]
pd.DataFrame({"name" : np.repeat(df['name'].values,lens), 
              "days" : np.hstack(df['days'])