OS Module

Command                                                      Description
os.access('file', mode)
os.F_OK: found
os.R_OK: readable
os.W_OK: writable
os.X_OK: executable
returns True or false based on mode, 'file' means full path to specific file
os.chdir('path') change current working directory to path
os.chmod('file', mode)

stat.S_ISUID: Set user ID on execution
stat.S_ISGID: Set group ID on execution
stat.S_ENFMT: Enforced record locking
stat.S_ISVTX: After execution, save text image
stat.S_IREAD: Read by owner
stat.S_IWRITE: Write by owner
stat.S_IEXEC: Execute by owner
stat.S_IRWXU: Read, write, and execute by owner
stat.S_IRUSR: Read by owner
stat.S_IWUSR: Write by owner
stat.S_IXUSR: Execute by owner
stat.S_IRWXG: Read, write, and execute by group
stat.S_IRGRP: Read by group
stat.S_IWGRP: Write by group
stat.S_IXGRP: Execute by group
stat.S_IRWXO: Read, write, and execute by others
stat.S_IROTH: Read by others
stat.S_IWOTH: Write by others
stat.S_IXOTH: Execute by others
Alter the mode of the file, multiple modes can be applied by using 'or'
os.chown('file', uid, gid)
# os.chown('ab.txt', 100, -1)
change ownership of file, use -1 to leave it unchanged
uid: numeric user ID
gid: numeric group ID
os.chroot(path) change root directory (UNIX)
d_fd = os.dup(fd) create duplicate file descriptor
os.environ Returns all environment variables. Use os.environ([“HOME”]) like to get specific one.
os.getenv(key, default=none) Return the value of the environment variable key if it exists, or default if it doesn’t.
os.get_exec_path(env=none) Returns the list of dirs that will be searched for a named executable (like ‘bin’ folder)
os.getlogin() Returns the name of user logged in.
os.getpid() Returns current process id
os.getcwd() returns current working directory
os.isatty(fd) returns true if fd is open and is connected to a tty(-like) device, else returns flase
os.listdir(path) returns list of all items present in path
os.lseek(fd, pos, how)
os.SEEK_SET or 0: pos relative to the beginning of file
os.SEEK_CUR or 1: current position
os.SEEK_END or 2: end of the file
Set current position of fd to pos, modified by how
takes a raw device number, and returns the device major, minor number (usually the x.st_dev or x.st_rdev field from x=os.stat('file'))
os.makedirs(path, mode)
#os.makedirs('tmp/a/b/c', 0755)
like mkdir() (make directory), but here to make c it can also create a and b if not exists
os.putenv(key, value) Set new environment variables
os.remove(file) remove a file. if path is given instead of file, OSError will be raised
os.removedirs(path) remove all directories given in path
os.rename(src, dst) rename src to dst, if dst already exists, it raises OSError
os.rmdir(path) remove a directory
os.stat(path/file) gives following info about the file or path
st_mode: protection bits
st_ino: inode number
st_dev: device
st_nlink: number of hard links
st_uid: user id of owner
st_gid: group id of owner
st_size: size of file, in bytes
st_atime: time of most recent access
st_mtime: time of most recent content modification
st_ctime: time of most recent metadata change.
os.symlink(src, dst) create symbolic link of src folder by name dst. just like desktop shortcut but its for directories not files
os.tmpfile() temporary file object. deletes itself when no descriptor
os.uname() Returns system-dependent version information
os.unsetenv(key) Delete the environment variable named key
os.umask(mask) Set current numeric umask and return previous umask
os.walk(top[, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False)

top: Each directory rooted at directory
topdown: If topdown is True, or not specified, it scans directories top-down.
onerror: This may show an error to continue with the walk, or may raise an exception to abort the walk.
followlinks: This will visit directories that symlinks points to, that is, if set to true.

returns a generator, Every time the generator is called it will follow each directory recursively until no further sub-directories are available from the initial directory that walk was called upon.

It Returns:
1. Generated directory path
2. Directories in current generated directory
3. Files in current generated directory
1. join('path1', 'path2')
2. basename(path)
3. dirname(path)
4. split(path)
5. exists('path')
6. isdir()
7. isfile()
8. splitext('path')
1. Returns joined paths
2. returns base name
3. directory name
4. ['dir', 'file_name']
5. True /False
6. True / False
7. True /False
8. ['path/file_name', 'file_extension']